Why Is A Website Important 5 Reasons To Be Online

Although ALL of you know what a website is and use the World Wide Web to find information there are still some who don’t think they have any reason to have any presence online. That said, I give you 5 reasons why you should be online:
1) 80% of people search for local businesses online.
If you have a business it is and will be more vital than ever to have a presence online. Many search engines display local search results allowing customers to connect to businesses locally; which is much easier than competing with major websites in the same industry. In addition, mobile applications are becoming more popular; with the ability to suggest businesses based on your location; but if you’re not online it’s impossible to be found. For less money than a 12oz Coke per day, you can have a robust business website.
2) Up-to-date portfolio/resume.
Each of you has the talent to share and promote. Whether it revolves around a product or your internal genius; people are looking for talent you possess, be there for them. Having a controlled place of residence that can be accessed from any computer has obvious benefits! You’ll ensure potential employers or customers will never have outdated information. Plus you can impress them with your mad internet skills online. When I graduated from college I contacted many potential employers. Each time I contacted them I told the regular things… which they heard all day from everyone else, who I am, what I like, etc. The reason I am here today is that I could end each email with a call to action to click the link to my website containing more information, which is what I did when I landed a job with WestHost. The same principle applies to designers, construction companies, financial firms, anyone. In my experience, it usually converts very well.
3) It’s a great job, make some money.
There are so many ways to earn money with a website. One of the easiest ways is through affiliate channels. Here’s how it works; paste a banner (or a unique URL) on your site provided to you by the company, like the one below; when someone clicks on your banner (linking them to the company’s site) and buys something you get paid. Our affiliate program pays each affiliate up to $200 for each sale they refer to us! Shared Web Host – WestHost Web Hosting Banner A lot of affiliates write a simple blog post reviewing a product or service containing their unique URL scattered through the post. Your visitors will then click the link and buy whatever you suggested having been solidly referred from your post.
4) Your website works 24/7 for you
A website is the best employee and advocate you’ll ever have. It works through the night, early mornings and will do everything you say. As a support for a traditional brick and mortar store or a full force e-commerce shop, your website will give your customers what you need when they need it.
5) It’s the cheapest office space you’ll ever have.
If your business model can function without a physical location, other than perhaps your living room, a website is the cheapest storefront you’ll ever have… but on the other hand, the sky is the limit. You could spend thousands of dedicated servers and professional design. In most cases, you’ll come in around $10/month for basic space.